At a time when the world media act as a mouthpiece for Israel’s and the US’s governments, alternative media like Electronic Intifada are vital. The world’s media are throwing the Palestinians under the bus, always placating Israel, spreading misinformation provided by Israel itself, and promoting the false symmetry between Israel and the Palestinian people.
EI provides up-to-date information. They have people on the ground and are not afraid to name settler-colonialism. EI are independent and do not feel like they have to be ‘balanced’. Balance is inappropriate when there is a gross imbalance of power used to inflict abuse.
The link below is to the lates podcast. If you cannot login live, you can always watch them later on YouTube. I believe you can also subscribe, so when EI have a new podcast they would send you a notice.
Hi Avigail, you missed out a "not" between "do" and "feel" in second paragraph sentence:
"EI are independent and do feel like they have to be ‘balanced’."