Our Leaders Are Likely Intentionally Buying Time for Israel to Complete Its Genocide
They are treating us with contempt and are playing us for suckers
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I can imagine Starmer, Biden, and other leaders of the ‘free world’ on the phone to Netanyahu asking, “How close are you? How much more time do you need us to buy you?”
Of course, I have no evidence that such conversations have taken place. But based on what our leaders are doing, the choices they make, and the media’s collusion, it is a plausible scenario. Our leaders may be cynical predators, but they are neither stupid, nor ill-informed. The reason they do not use their intelligence for good, is because theirs is not the enlightened, moral, or ethical kind. Our leaders’ intelligence appears more like the cunningness of nature’s most successful predators. They know what Israel is, and exactly what it is doing. Basking in the outpouring of support it is getting, Israel is not even hiding anymore. Everyone knows, and everyone can see that a genocide — a systematic and deliberate wholesale extermination of an entire people — is taking place. I believe that our leaders have been buying time for Israel all along, so it can complete its genocide. And this did not start last October. The shielding, and stalling tactics for Israels’ benefit have been there, more or less consistently since 1948, possibly even earlier.
Israel is about to take over all of Gaza, and secure not only the land, but the gas reserves off the Gaza coast. It has probably managed to convince its supporters that it is in their best interest that Israeli, not Palestinian, neoliberalists dominate the Middle East. Israel has likely promised to its supporters a big piece of the geopolitical, and economic pie once it achieves the control and domination it covets, and removes the ‘obstacles’ to its plan. The obstacles are millions of innocent human beings, and their attempts to resist their own extermination. Our ‘leaders’ are playing chess with our lives. I say ‘our’, because if they do it to Palestinians, they can do it to anyone. No one is safe in a world where elected leaders operate dishonourably, without ethics, or morality, let alone compassion.
Six Million
Six million is an emotionally loaded number in Israeli culture. From early childhood I was taught that the Nazis exterminated six million Jews, deliberately and systematically. Israel is obsessed with demographics, and with being racially pure — Israeli society believes Jewishness is a ‘race’ and that the Palestinians are a different ‘race’. They think that if Palestinians and Jews mixed, it would contaminate their race, and eliminate Jewishness. This is 2024, and Israel is allegedly a scientifically advanced, ‘enlightened’ country, and yet, this is the dominant belief system there. On this basis alone, the West should have boycotted Israel. Instead, anyone with power does business with Israel, and fawns over it. Israel is committing a genocide entirely based on racist beliefs!
The Palestinians still surviving under Israel’s murderous settler-colonialism in historic Palestine have finally reached this loaded number of six million. This includes the Palestinian citizens of Israel, the Colonised West Bank, and the Gaza ghetto. Israeli society is so twisted, and so psychologically deranged, that not only does it follow race ‘science’, it is also bent on avenging the holocaust. Since they cannot kills any Nazis anymore, Israelis have labeled the Palestinians ‘Nazis’ (or ‘Amalek’, the ancient fictional, eternal enemy of the Hebrews), and are killing them instead.
What Israel has been doing in Gaza in the past thirteen months demonstrates not just a cold and calculated plan to ‘Judaise’ Gaza — before you cringe, this is a term used by Israelis — there are also clear elements of vengeance in everything Israel has been doing. In fact, Israel’s overarching goal is to exterminate the six million Palestinians. Israeli society and its insane leaders believe that ethnically cleansing six million Palestinians through various means — massacres, starvation, destruction of housing and essential infrastructure, economic suffocation, legal restrictions and more — will give them that elusive sense of ‘security’ and ‘safety’ that they covet. If you find this hard to believe, it is probably because you are a sane and ethical person, and cannot imagine anyone believing such things, or behaving this way. But it is, sadly, the truth. Alon Mizrahi, another ‘lapsed’ cult member, provides validation for everything I say. We do not know each other, and have never met, and you can see that we say pretty much the same things.
In my genocide studies at university, my lecturers agued that you can show a clear progression from traditional antisemitism, as an idea, or a cultural phenomenon, to the holocaust. In other words, the holocaust did not just happen one day out of the blue. It was the logical consequence, a natural outgrowth, and culmination of antisemitism, which has festered in Europe for hundreds of years, long before the Second World War. No form of racism is benign, or stagnant. It can, in the right circumstances, trigger action, such as legislation against a scapegoat group, informal societal discrimination, harassment, segregation and persecution, and ultimately state-orchestrated mass murder. That is why progressive humans have always been wary about any ‘anti’ sentiments against any group in society. We know where these can lead, and the holocaust is by no means the only example. These steps from racism to genocide have been clearly evident in the way Israel has handled the Palestinian people right from the start of its sinful, immoral, and criminal Zionist settler-colonial project in Palestine. Except that in Israel’s case, the removal of the Palestinians by any means was always the intention.
Israel could not have committed this genocide without the ongoing support and shielding that Western powers have showered it with for seventy six years. It began with the British Empire, and continued with the US, an empire in its own right, and a self-appointed ‘world leader’. The open genocide against the Palestinians that we are witnessing now is the logical outgrowth, the culmination of the military and political shielding that Israel has enjoyed from 1948. Without it, none of what we see would be possible.
I seriously doubt that Western leaders were ever naive about Israel, and its intentions. Concerns about public opinion might have played some part in our governments’ considerations about how, and to what extent to support Israel. Do not forget that a great deal of support for Israel has not been visible to the public. A lot of military support, and joint ventures have been hidden behind the ruse of ‘national security’ for decades.
The Palestinians in Gaza are being exterminated, and Israel is already coming for the Palestinians in the Colonised West Bank. It will then come for the Palestinian citizen of Israel. Israel will destroy the lives of six million Palestinians in the hope of quenching its pathological need for vengeance, and its racist idea of a fully Judaised state. I know that our leaders know, because it is all written plainly and clearly in Francesca Albanese’s UN’s Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Genocide as colonial erasure. I am sure Starmer, and Biden, or at least their close aides and advisers have seen it.
They are treating us with contempt and are playing us for suckers
We may well have reached a point in our history where our ‘democratically elected’ leaders genuinely do not care anymore about what we, the public, think or feel about anything. The invasion of Iraq in 2003, and the interplay between public opinion and our leaders back then, proved to politicians that they have nothing to worry about from us, the public, and our so-called opinion; indeed that they can do whatever they want, and get away with all of it.
I was still living in Australia when the US and its allies invaded Iraq on the lie that Saddam Hussein, a man the West had put in power, was harbouring weapons of mass destruction. Tony Blair the leader of a Labour government, was the UK Prime Minister at the time. He ignored the millions of demonstrators around the UK and all over the world, and sent UK troops into Iraq anyway. He never paid the price for his, and his government’s colossal crime against humanity. Blair never went to prison. He lives the comfortable life of a wealthy celebrity, and charges a fortune for his lectures and talks.
There were no consequences at all for invading and destroying a country under false pretences, and killing millions, or for lying to the public. The West as a whole divvied up the benefits, the access to oil, and the plentiful contracts for multinational companies to ‘rebuild’. Neoliberalism won, again, and made fools out of us all. But more importantly, our neoliberalist, obscenely wealthy corporate ‘leaders’ learned that we, the public, are gullible, powerless fools, who cannot stop them.
Once in a while our government nips at our opposition. The saga of Julian Assange was both a test of what Western ‘democracies’ can get away with, and a deterrence against the rest of us who might get some ideas. These days, someone gets arrested at a demonstration randomly, for allegedly saying the ‘wrong thing’. Others have had their electronic devices confiscated. This harassment of innocent activists is an abuse of our ‘terrorism laws’. Those were a clever post 9-11 invention, created under the pretence of protecting the public. But they are really there to safeguard and shield present, and future neoliberal dirty deeds.
We are being made fools of, and are treated with utter contempt. Those leaders we have voted for are ignoring our protests, and are carrying on doing what they are doing, despite what the majority of us think about it. Based on recurring historical patterns, they are betting that once the facts are on the ground, once Israel has finished the extermination of the Palestinian people, there will be nothing left we can do about it. They think that we, the people, will adjust to the new reality they are sculpting and get on with it. They will make sure that most people are too stressed trying to make a living and keeping a roof over their children’s heads to upset the applecart.
After six million are dead, or ethnically cleansed, they, or the next generation of leaders will try to make us forget. But if we refuse, they might ‘allow’ us to mourn six million Palestinians, maybe even erect memorials and build museums in their memory. They will then act pious and shed crocodile tears. But it will make no difference because Israel and its allies will have achieved their goals, so who cares?
The Remembrance Day for WWI means absolutely nothing, except cheap emotionality and platitudes, and neither does holocaust memorial day. No useful lessons at all have been learned from any of the horrific events of the past. All were preventable apocalypses created by human beings in power for their own cynical purposes, and helped by many ‘ordinary’ people who wanted to believe their lies. If there is ever a Remembrance Day for the Palestinian genocide, it will mean nothing either. I am sure another genocide of another group of people, the next obstacle to the relentless march of neoliberalism and corporate control, is only a matter of time. World history is a march from one genocide to another, in an attempt to perpetuate the rule of the greedy, predatory few.
We need to re-think our activism. What we have been doing is not working, and things are clearly getting worse. We may be the majority, but the minority of predators, whose only vision for humanity — of a permanent life by the sword, meanness, scarcity, deceit, systemic injustice, competition, cynicism, and despair — are winning. But for me it is not about winning or losing. It is about what happens to all of us when we live under the contemptuous, and destructive vision the predators have for the rest of us.
To win is to live a life where the intrinsic value of every human being and their need to grow to their potential is at the heart of everything we do.
To lose is to slide further down the slippery slope of degeneration back into a mindless, beastly, albeit technologically ‘advanced’ existence. Those who want this, have no right to impose it on the rest of us, or on future generations of innocent humans who deserve better.
Rise, like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number!
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you:
Ye are many—they are few!
(‘The Masque of Anarchy’. Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1819)
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Great article 👍💚. Almost all recorded episodes of genocide involved the powers of the day standing by, issuing platitudes whilst weighing possible benefits from doing nothing. We have always been ruled by scum and always will be unless we stop enabling sociopaths and narcissists
Avigail, fortunately the rest of the world is taking action.
Organizations like BRICS are becoming stronger, and the west is weakening in every way: economically, societally, militarily.
Here in the west, we should know that we have international allies who are also sick of this contemptible behaviour.