Jun 8Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

Thank you for this post, Avigail. I had initially written about the book club on LinkedIn but your post inspired me to post about it on my Substack as well.


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Jun 9Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

Regarding the Nakba Memorial Foundation: I donated my translation effors (in the event that there are French documents) and graphic design (brochure, one-pagers, slide decks, charts, etc) efforts. I look forward to hearing from the Foundation and I hope I can be of service. ❤️💐🍉

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That’s grand Laura. Very generous of you! I am sure they will very much appreciate it. I suspect that this new Foundation is running on volunteers only, and if you haven’t heard back it won’t hurt to give them a nudge. The documents from the Israeli Military Archives are all likely to be in Hebrew, but it doesn’t hurt to ask them. As for graphic design this can always come handy.

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Jun 10Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

Wow. I just tried to share this on Facebook and it was deleted as spam. Unreal.

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Yes, I know. I can’t share it on my page either and no one has had any luck. FB say it is against their ‘community standards’. I have appealed but haven’t heard back yet. Some of us think it might be the word ‘Nakba’. Share my entire Substack page and write a line or two telling people to go to the last post. That’s what I did for now. Thank you.

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Jun 10Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

I don't think it's "Nakba." I have posted many things using that, including yesterday. Before your reply to me, I thought it was the "header" I wrote. But nooooo. Maybe something in the URL?

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That’s good to know. If that’s the case then it must be something to do with the links embedded in my Substack post that the facebook bot objects to. I tried a few more times to post it and they throw it out immediately. They even threatened me to not try too many times or ‘else’. They still have not got back to me about what the problem is…

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Jun 10Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

Well, I got it up in a roundabout way.

I just posted a Substack essay by Jonathan Cook with no trouble.

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I have never had problems sharing my Substack posts on my facebook page, or any posts by anyone else for that matter. This is the first time this happened. And many of my posts have links embedded so people can follow up references. I am at a loss about what is bothering facebook about this particular post. They haven’t got back to me yet…

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Bots are never in a hurry.

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Jun 9Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

As always, honest, informative and unflinching. Avigail exposes the dishonesty and duplicity at the heart of Isreali Settler Colonialism. 👍💚

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Jun 8Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

Thanks for sharing this important perspective, Avigail.

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As always, honest, informative and unflinching. Avigail exposes the dishonesty and duplicity at the heart of Isreali Settler Colonialism. 👍💚

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Let’s get the world out of the way to expose what Israel’s WagsTheDog government is actually Doing while paying lip service to TwoState solutions.

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Israel OWNS Gaza and the West Bank!

A. Since 1948, Israel has acquired -by UN, war and donation- all the land it now occupies. That means…

Israel OWNS Gaza and the West Bank! They are Provinces of Israel.

B. The last Israeli leader who signed a Two-State Treaty was assassinated by an Israeli.

Israel OWNS Gaza and the West Bank! Clearly, the country does Not want a Two-State Solution.

C. Both Israelis and Palestinians are descendants of Abraham! They are Semitic Siblings!

Israel OWNS Gaza and the West Bank!


- The Hamas attack was Barbaric.

- The Israeli government is right to defend & attack, but has forgotten the Hebrew law against savagery

“An eye for an eye, and

a tooth for a tooth”

should Not result in flattening Gaza and killing 35,000+ people. Besides, why destroy your own country?

=> Israel has a high-tech, highly-trained military with incredible intelligence capabilities … everywhere.

Why can they not attack & destroy individual Hamas targets? Instead, they are using major defensive weapons to deliberately demolish all buildings in Gaza. Why?

Israel OWNS Gaza and the West Bank!

E. Since all this land has been Owned by Israel for half a century, WHY is the rest of the world :

- paying to help Israeli peoples?

- wasting our scarce resources?

- raising our grandchildren’s Debt?

- not solving serious new environmental stewardship failures that are uncovered weekly

(climate, plastics, food chemicals, failed forest management, mining misery, overfishing, NuclearWaste, etc) ?

Israel OWNS Gaza and the West Bank!

Let Israel run its own country!

Let Israel take care of the people living within its borders - it’s their responsibility to create internal Israeli political solutions, Not the world’s.

This is not Anti-Zionist, Anti-Israel, nor Anti-Israeli government.

Israel OWNS Gaza and the West Bank!

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Jun 8Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by 'OWNS' . It certainly controls the land, and every detail of every one of the living and the dead.

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RemovedJun 9
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Please explain.

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deletedJun 8
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Not sarcastic at all, Avigail.

I’ve believed in and supported Israel for decades. In 1996, my Club, RotaryFortErie.org raised U$5,000 (U$25k+ today?) with a matching grant of U$5k from The Rotary Foundation. We sponsored a 2-week School For Peace at Neve Shalom/ Wahat al Salaam / Oasis of Peace in Israel. I’ve often wondered whether the Jewish and Palestinian participants would one day stare down gun barrels at each other.

~40 years earlier, Canada’s foreign minister Lester Pearson, created UN Peacekeeping in the Middle East where Canada sent troops for ~30 years.

However, seeing the deliberate demolition of Gaza by Israel, in retaliation for the barbarism of Hamas, has made me review and revise my view of the political situation. By all of the methods mentioned, Israel now owns Gaza and the West Bank. Possession is 90% of the law, they say.

Accordingly, the world should get out of the way, and let Israel create its own unique political solutions. The world didn’t send $$ to rebuild and supply South Africa, India-Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Rwanda, etc. on a regular basis. They made internal peace with their disparate factions … themselves.

We can help Israel defend its longterm External borders, but let Israel arrange to care for the people within its Internal Provincial borders.

I pray that Israel will do so with the care, honour and integrity that their long history of maltreatment demands.

Incidentally, I’m writing this to media and politicians worldwide, in hopes a Proper Solution can be accomplished to undo Nazi deeds.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 9Author

I am very sad to hear about your deeply disturbing and questionable moral position, which is unacceptable to me. You don’t know Israel. Israel has no honour, and has no restraint. It is, and always has been, a settler-colonial state determined to replace every last Palestinian with Jews on all of historic Palestine. It has no moral legitimacy, and no right to exist as an exclusively Jewish state at the expense of an entire people.

You also misunderstand this post. It does not represent a diversity of views in Israel. It represents deep opposition to Israel, what it is, what it stands for, its aims and its actions. There is no real diversity of opinion in Israel when it comes to Zionism and settler-colonialism. All sides of politics support the takeover of Palestine, removal of all Palestinians and their replacement with Jews. There is a tiny minority of anti-Zionists in Israel, and they are leaving because the now openly authoritarian state of Israel, is persecuting them. People like Ilan and me left a long time ago.

Your enthusiastic support for Israel amounts to collaboration with a horrendous crime against humanity. I wouldn’t be so quick to list your ‘achievements’ at supporting Israel financially. You might find yourself on trial one day for supporting a terrorist regime.

Based on your moral position, I suppose you would also help the elimination of the native Americans by white settler-colonialists, and the near extermination of the Aboriginal people in Australia. In a domestic abuse/coercive control someone with your logic would side with the abuser.

Israel owns nothing it hasn’t stolen, through horrendous brutality, control, torture, human rights violations, murder, and ethnic cleansing, in short, the same barbarism used by all settler-colonialists throughout human history.

I fail to understand why you are reading my Substack at all. I’m afraid you are deeply misguided, and we clearly have little in common. I have unsubscribed you from my Substack. You can still read my posts as they are free to read, but please refrain from commenting. I do not debate or discuss things with people who deny historical facts, and support crimes against humanity. I would not debate with a child molester the merit of molesting children or their right to do what they are doing. The same principle applies to those who support Israel’s barbaric, illegal, and immoral settler-colonialism. Supporters of genocide are not welcome in my spaces.

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The world cannot continue to pretend that TwoStates are possible m, and that Israel is acting morally.

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I agree with what you’ve just said.

I was trying to

- offer a realistic understanding of what’s happening, as you are doing, by forcing people to question what’s said versus done

- avoid being accused of being anti-Jewish

- help others -including Israelis- to understand what they have created since 1948

- get the world out of the way and force Israel to be honest about what they are allowing their WagsTheDog government to do; maybe they can/will stop and reverse it 🙏🏽

Canada is in process of Reconciliation between Indigenous-Settler citizens over the magnificent Crown Treaties that prevented the war and slaughter done by Americans.

(The British 1774 Québec Act was the real cause of the American Revolution, because it reserved all land west of the 13 Colonies for FirstNations.)

Unfortunately, our Canadian Settler ancestors also spent 100+ years cheating FirstNations instead of sharing the wealth as the Treaties promised to do.

Canada is about to discuss, debate, share wealth and learn Indigenous wisdom for 25+ years.

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Setter-colonialism shouldn’t have happened in the first place, and should not have been allowed in Palestine. There is no 'nice way' to be a setter-colonialist. After already invading, stealing, pillaging and destroying whole cultures and communities, now Canada is trying to do what? Be nice about it? We cannot go back to the past and change history. But your apologist views about Israel did not demonstrate a commitment to education, or to reviewing positions. You actively support Israel, sound proud of it, and you suggest that Israel ‘owns’ the colonised/occupied West Bank it has stolen. There are situations where it is necessary to take sides, like in domestic abuse, child abuse, slavery, or colonialism and settler colonialism. There are no two sides to a story of abuse. Where there is a perpetrator and a victim, there is only one side a moral person can assume. We are not talking about old history here like Canada, or the US. We are talking about a settler-colonial project that is unfolding right now, and that is aided and abetted by the West and apparently, and bafflingly supported by people like yourself. There is a chance now to stop it. Mind you, Israel will not leave survivors to make deals with later as Canada has done after completely controlling and dominating the land and resources it has stolen. Israel is determined to eliminate all the Palestinians. If you don’t know that, you need to learn about it.

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