Jul 1Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

Well done as always, Avigail. It's almost as if our national leaders want us to shut done and drop out, leaving them freer to continue their selfish and destructive ways. I pray that the Gazans and people everywhere can resist this and come together through their spirits to push back the dark forces.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

Thank you so much. I very much appreciate such positive feedback.

This is exactly what our so-called ‘leaders’ want. In fact, neoliberalism as an economic and social ideology would rather keep people numb and docile so that they do not stand up against injustices and for their fellow humans who are less fortunate under this deadening and dead way of life. The ‘trickle down’ economics is really a bunch of predators swimming around with little dependent fish living off the scraps the predators leave behind. It’s a living. It is also a disgrace and a betrayal of what humans are capable of. The Gazans need humanity to stand together. We must refuse to be divided by self-serving ‘leaders’. Solider everywhere should lay down their weapons and refuse to fight. We are one species, facing global challenges, and we all want to grow to our potential. Our divisions are an illusion. I wish more people woke up to this. Look at those voters in France flocking to a fascist, divisive, party. What a pity.

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Jul 1Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

As the wonderful science fiction author Frank Herbert wrote “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death which brings total obliteration “. Fear is the control mechanism used by the assorted narcissists and sociopaths masquerading as leaders around our threatened planet. Once again, Avigail’s prescient article and its latest iteration shine a bright light and offer courage and encouragement for activists everywhere 👍💚

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