Avigail offers a timely reminder about the connivance and duplicity of the West in allowing Isreal the same latitude to slaughter and steal that served the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, France et al in their colonial pomp. I detect a sea change in both awareness and increasing intolerance of many previously neutral people towards Isreal and the blood-soaked truth of its existence. It’s time to make these criminals pay by ensuring every penny you spend is checked against whether it benefits directly, or indirectly, these vile criminal scum

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Hear hear! Thanks Brendan. 🙏

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I hope, like Avigail Arbanel, that I am wrong, but I fully share her pessimism about the fate of the Palestinian populations subjected to the goodwill of an unhealthy entity and the whims of an American administration that is only concerned about its own fate. As you say so well, any respite is good to take, but it is clear that the solution to this tragedy lies in the hands of the USA, which itself is subject to enormous pressure from AIPAC and its evangelical and Christian Zionist substitutes. I am not even talking about the wriggling European chihuahuas who no longer know what boots to lick and who have renounced all the moral principles that the so-called Judeo-Christian civilization claims to have... The USA must get out of this bipartisan dictatorship and find a third way, in line with its interests, with a universal and humanist dimension. Thank you Avigail, once again for your valuable testimonies….

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Thank you so much!! I really hope to be wrong. 🙏

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We share the same thoughts. It's always a pleasure to read you....🙏

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I don't refer to it as pessimism, but a sense for reality, and common sense knowing the dynamics of those involved and their documented plays for power, more power, and death and dominion. Everything gets turned upside down in this regard. Hope is a false prophet. Alas.

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Again, well done! Well-written with a factual and moral clarity that only highlights the absence of same in most media. Let me take a few minutes and figure out how I can buy you a “coffee”!

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Thank you ☺️

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You are the first person on Substack I have done this for!

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That’s very kind of you, and I appreciate it!

I refuse to monetise my Substack page. I couldn’t afford to pay for subscription for all the people whose work I would love to read. I can’t imagine that most people can. Either way, I would rather write when I feel inspired to and when I have something to say, rather than feel an obligation to write regularly because of paid subscriptions…

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Hear, hear! I feel that “obligation” in pieces written by many regular newsletters - I find myself wondering if they really have that much to say on so many topics, and end up not really reading them anymore. I so much prefer your approach - and as a result definitely set aside time to read yours when you publish. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!

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This is Trump's deal. If the deal makes him happy, he'll want to see it continue. If he gets more good feelings from those supporting the ceasefire, than those who are unhappy with it, we can pretty much count on which side a narcissist will favour. We need to encourage an on-going campaign to send "thank yous" to Trump, on Inauguration Day, and every day thereafter. Let him feel the love. He may decide to stay there. We owe it to Gaza, to humanity, and even possibly to Trump.

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It’s a great idea Joy. Very insightful about the psychological dynamic of narcissism. The only problem is that they are fickle too. What satisfies them today, may not be the same tomorrow…

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" Take Keir Starmer’s recent statement on the ceasefire (The National, 17th January 2025). His pro-Israel, colonial bias shone through as he devalued not only Israel’s Palestinian victims, but even British aid workers and medical staff targeted and killed by Israel..." If there's any way to quote some of this, it would be appreciated, as the article itself, is behind a paywall. Thanks.

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Hi Joy, I can’t help this, so I have now included in the article an image of the paper copy of the article sent by a friend who is a subscriber. I didn’t have it when I published the first version, but it’s there now. Have a look at the latest version, and you can copy the image and cite from it.

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Joy I took 3 screen-shots of the article to make it easier to read re-posted in Facebook. You can see it here https://www.facebook.com/tachycardigan/posts/pfbid02G2tJFo4scwe15bTqQLNjcnHzrjFMcv6rsKR9sqUruff1nLvWd14ExGN6jtUh5A9Xl

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Exactly, Avigail: "The Cambridge Dictionary’s definition of ‘ceasefire’ is “An agreement, usually between two armies to stop fighting in order to allow discussions about peace”.

This is not a ceasefire. Only one side has a huge exterminating army. It is Palestinian resistance that is fighting - but Israel has declared that the goal is to cleanse Gaza of human beings and start building Jewish settlements there.

Who on Earth makes ceasefire agreements over such goal?

The lies and gaslighting of all narratives justifying and whitewashing Zionism, are literally mind-blowing, as they blew the minds of Israeli and Zionist public and blew the heads off of babies and kids whose only fault is that they are not Jewish and represent a demographic threat.

What "ceasefire" over that?

The only thing to cease is Israel itself.

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Absolutely right.

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Your choice of the scene from Independence Day lacks one essential quality in the invaders’ mentality for it to qualify as a good allegory of the Israeli attitude towards the Palestinians: they don’t claim they are the victims, that their drive to annihilate the humans is forced upon them by the unacceptable ‘terrorist’ behaviour of those very same humans.

Israeli’s addiction to the sense of victimhood cultivated by their state will not go away. This monster will need feeding again soon. Alas, I fear the West will be once again only too happy to go along with it.

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That is very true. I wanted to use this allegory mostly to make the point about Israel’s true intentions for the Palestinians and the futility of ‘negotiations’. You are absolutely correct about Israel’s victimhood complex. It is revolting. I have written about this quite extensively in a few of my essays. Israel enjoys support because its allies are inflicted with the same sick and primitive psychology of entitlement, of a pecking order of worthy and unworthy, racism, colonial supremacy, and with their own version of victimhood, which is a feeling of being ‘hard done by’… Thank you, David, for reading and commenting.

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Thank you Avigail for trying to give some meaningful context to a developing situation that affects us all. Or should do. And will do if your allegory ends up involving the imperious Zionists on one side - as now - and the rest of humanity on the other asking ‘What do you want us to do?

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It's weird to live in this society, surrounded by people who don't realise the UK/UK/Israel are the terrorists.

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You are right Karl, and I don’t think it’s new, just as I don’t think anything we are experiencing now is new. As I said in a couple of my essays, we, as a species, have been repeating patterns going right back to our early ancestors, tens of thousands of years ago (or since our brain became what it is today).

Think about all the ordinary people who lived in the time of Empire and supported their governments with full acceptance of their governments’ interpretation of reality: ‘our own people are advanced and good, the natives are stupid, bad, primitive’ ‘We’re civilising the world and brining progress and morality to savages’… There was always a minority of people who questioned and it is thanks to them that we have made any advancements at all in every generation. The majority have always been conformist and will follow the mainstream. What is mainstream is determined by those in power and their media.

We have not advanced one bit from our early beginnings. Technological progress is not real progress. We are still dominated by very primitive, fear-based, tribal, simplistic psychology. There is really nothing new under the sun. It is now our turn to live through this ‘dip’ in the usual pattern…

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I absolutely agree. :-)

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I wish I was wrong. Having said everything I have, I also am stubbornly optimistic. I know it is possible to change, choose new ways of being, and render old patterns ineffective. I think most people can do it but the guidance on how to do it is not yet widespread and a lot of pop-psych peddled out there is eye-wateringly wrong... I facilitate and witness profound changes in people every day in my work, and am myself a product of profound change. If I did not recover from trauma and change the patterns that were wired into my brain, I do not believe I would be alive, let alone sitting here chatting with you… We have such enormous potential.

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Agreed. I grew up in a pretty right-wing working class culture. When I went to college I questioned everything, and rejected a lot of that culture (such as the racism and speciesism) and only kept the good (community, family, distrusting politicians etc).

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It is awful for a child to grow up like this. Thoughtful, sensitive, intelligent people like yourself are bound to question when surrounded with people whose fear leads them live a narrow, small existence.

I grew up in the settler-colonial mindset (without realising) and in a very low aspirations, traumatised, working-class environment. I am not happy about what I suffered and what was done to me in my childhood and youth. Given that it did happen and that I cannot go back in time and change things, I am at least pleased that my healthy brain enabled me to question my reality. It was very difficult but it was my journey to health.

In healthy people this is bound to happen when the need to grow and be healthy clashes with what the environment expects of us. Humans are not just limbic survivalists. We have a need for more and our sense of meaning and purpose seems to be strongly linked to doing good, to love and to inclusiveness. I have my thoughts about why this is, but for another time.

One thing I can tell you and that is that growing up in a racist environment filled with hatred of the ‘other’ can be very traumatising for children with otherwise healthy brains. I have worked with many clients coming from this kind of background.

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I hope the observation of a perceived broader world turnaround regarding criticism of Israel is correct. However (I try not to visit social media too much - unhealthy) but remain appalled at comments by many on some media outlets that dismiss Palestinians and Palestine, as historically having no legitimate existence. The encouragement to “glass”, “press the red button”, “turn Gaza into a car park”, “Deus Vult” and so on, are statements by psychopaths who believe what they are saying. This is not about history 3000 years ago, it is about the suffering here and now. It is hard not to be dismayed.

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Absolutely Peter. In a world dominated by disordered oligarchs and dictators the psychopaths are likely to feel more emboldened to come out of the woodwork. This is how it has always been. These people have no real feelings in favour or against anyone in particular (proper psychopaths have no feelings for real), they just crave control and domination over others, not for any reason but for its own sake. They get some kind of sadistic pleasure out of the suffering of others and the truth is, it doesn’t matter who they are. Whenever there is a group (or an individual) that is victimised, or that looks vulnerable, they join in to get a piece of the action. These people lack empathy at a neurological level and there is no reasoning with them. They are the predators among us.

I have disengaged from FB and deleted my X account. I have a new account on Bluesky (we’ll see how this platform goes) but find that I hardly ever reach out to social media at all. I’m busy and there is not enough interest there for me to want to waste my time there. In a busy and overpopulated world we have to choose what we engage with and the older I get, the clearer and easier this becomes.So I can totally related to you. Thank you for reading and commenting.

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You’re a complete imbecile. Glad I found you so I can block you.

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I remember that movie … I remember some scripts

” Don’t talk to my son like that, You will be all death if it is not up to my son DAVID“ ….

And when the father of DAVID took the kids for prayer… they asked the secretary of state to join them he said,

“but I am not J$w£sh”, the father replies “no one is perfect ?

This why they can commit a live stream G4n£cide

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Who is ‘they’?

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I am refereeing to the Zionist, I am a Muslim. A Muslim does not have a problem with Jewish people.

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I remember the quotes from the script that you mentioned very well.

The first one refers to the fact that David was just a bit of a rogue operator, a ‘nobody’ outside the system. In this particular exchange his father rightly stands up for him, when he is told off for objecting to the use of nuclear weapons against the aliens.

The second quote is a joke used by the father to *include* Nimziki, a negative, unpleasant man who was recently fired by the President from his job as Secretary of Defence, and who no one really liked. The situation is hopeless as the aliens are attacking the base and could easily win. So the father does what he thinks to offer some comfort to people at that time. He happens to be Jewish who observed his faith to some extent, so he does what he does within the framework he knows

So when you said ‘they’ I had to wonder. If you don’t have a problem with Jews in general, then what was the point of your comment?

Please look at my essay: Israel is not ‘the Jews’ and it does not speak for Jews (https://avigail.substack.com/p/israel-is-not-the-jews-and-it-does) where I clarify some things that could be of interest to you. Feel free to read any of my essays on my page, as I speak about this topic quite a lot. I even talk about this in my more recent essays on ‘shared humanity’ and ‘identity & shared humanity’.

I have a problem with anyone who generalises about people on the basis of religion, ethnicity, gender, race, just name it. I would stand with anyone who suffers discrimination no matter who they are. Israel is a country that proclaimed itself as Jewish, but it is as Jewish as the Taliban in Afghanistan are Muslim, or the Apartheid supporting Christians in South Africa were Christian, or for that matter the Buddhists who kill Muslims are really Buddhist...

I have written about this quite extensively. Israel can claim what it wants, but it is a genocidal, settler-colonial state committing crimes against humanity (so far with impunity and collusion from the major world players).

Whatever Israel calls itself is irrelevant. Only what it does matters. I always tell people to focus on the crime, and not get confused by narratives about identity, or rationalisation and excuses perpetrators invent for themselves. Israel is hardly original, or special. Settler-colonialism and genocide have been in existence in some form or another since humanity existed. This needs to be everyone’s focus. A crime is being committed. Let’s make it stop.

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you are a positive person.

 I don’t see it like that , he meant the prophet David (PBUH) if it is not up to the Prophet David (PBUH) you all death,  be grateful … see in very movie they Glorify a Jews and Vilify Muslims, for hundred years Zionists were using movies for their propaganda and brainwash the populations… this is one of doctrine of Theodor Herzl.

 “Adorn our cause with all the seductions of culture and art, so that it ceases to be dry and attracts even those who do not feel a great interest in it, or would not be entirely acquired by it. Because all sympathies are useful, you never know when sympathy will turn into passion”

“2012” Movie it started with Muslim and Jew in a car. the Jewish person was selling passports, the Muslim asked for more than two passports,  the Jewish said no,  only two passports.. in the Ark we see the Muslim walking and behind him 4 women.. We Muslim is not Suprise what is happening in Palestine…   in Algeria the Europeans settlers and the French killed more than 10 million Algerians…  the only difference now is just live stream extermination…. 2012 it is an interesting Movie because they promoted only the  Buddhist religion… but at that period the Buddhists  in Myanmar were radicalized and  started killing Muslims

And with regard to the quote “ No one is perfect “ is not Joke because,   it has been used in several movies .. I remember a movie were A Jewish girl had a boyfriend  and she  presented him to her mother , the mother ask her boyfriend are you catholic, he said, half my other half is Jewish ohhh so, you are half perfect …

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Jan 19
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This is entirely intentional. The term "self-licking ice cream cone" comes to mind - an expenditure of money and expansion of power that requires more money to be spent and power to be expanded further.

From the point of view of those already in power, this is a win-win.

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