Thanks for this riveting article, Avigail.

I really appreciate you naming the enablers as a huge part of the problem.

That's how I see western leaders and mainstream media right now, and they're losing all credibility in my eyes and, I hope, in the eyes of others.

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You’re in good company Diana! Thank you. 🙏

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Another insightful piece that strips away another layer of the mystery about how Israel can continue its savage ways. Thank you Avigail. I have a question: the international community of imperialistic and powerful nations built psychopathic Israel. Is there really anyone at this point with the power to stop it?

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I am asking the same question. I am sure there are many who can. There are many men and women interspersed through governments, and all their branches. If they got together and started to speak out, say ‘no', and do the right thing, things could change very quickly. It is those cowardly(?) silent people who are the problem, as I am saying in the essay. When individuals in any position tolerate the intolerable, and allow it to continue, they hurt many people. I don’t care if they make deathbed confessions when they are old and out of the system. I want them to act now. Thank you for reading!!

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So true! So clear, All this demonstrates irrefutably the full and entire responsibility of the international community in the tragedies that are bleeding the world....

Thanks a lot for this brilliant exposure of a sad, very sad reality…

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8 hrs agoLiked by Avigail Abarbanel

Thank you for speaking out so forthrightly about this important, yet grievous subject. My own childhood was horrific in its own way, but very different and, I guess, non-standard. Any way to reconnect to the Book Club, that ended last month?

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Thank you Joy, and I’m so sorry that your childhood was awful too. I had an email from Samer today, and there is a new series covering Prof Rashid Khalidi’s book, The Hundred Years' War on Palestine. Prof Khalidi will be the guest at the first meeting on Wed 2nd October, and I will be the host. Samer said they’re putting out the publicity material very soon. Visit the Book Club on Palestine FB page if you can. As soon as it is all out I will share everything here too. 🙏

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Thank you Avigail. I am not on FaceBook, so any information from you, so I can attend, would be very welcome.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Avigail Abarbanel

Another excellent article shining a light upon the herd-like behaviour of those who enable and accommodate these ugly sociopathic users and abusers. I resent the moral cowardice and intellectual dishonesty of anyone who votes for these monsters. Get up, stand up 👍💚🇵🇸

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Hear hear!!

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47 mins agoLiked by Avigail Abarbanel

Hi Avigail, check out Macklemore's latest release. He's doing a great job of bringing the free Palestine message into pop culture: https://youtu.be/bjtDsd0g468?si=Wb-6fApqIwmdPMYe

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Thanks Adam. Will do.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Avigail Abarbanel

Thank you for sharing this. Israel is, of course, a tool of American empire, and the U.S. has, I think, reached end-stage capitalism. Psychopaths are rewarded here. A surprisingly large percentage are bosses, CEO’s, billionaires, etc. And I think I read somewhere that there are more psychopaths in the U.S, per capita, than in other countries. It sounds like that’s true of Israel, as well. But what do we do about it? How can we stop these people, who lack compassion for others and think only of their own gain?

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6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoAuthor

Thank you, and it is worrying to think the US has more psychopaths than elsewhere. I’m sure it is true for Israel too. Psychopaths are drawn to environments that enable them and normalise what they are, and what they do. It is known there is a disproportionate number of psychopaths in positions of power compared with the general population, which is partly why the world is such a mess. The solution is for everyone else to speak out when they see wrong and not put up with it. It’s not enough that some of us, even many of us are in the streets protesting. We need those working in places where they see wrong to find their moral back bone, stop colluding, stand up and start sabotaging the projects and systems created by psychopaths, and maintained by everyone else. We can’t continue to comfort ourselves with Hollywood movies where the good guys manage to defeat the bad guys, while in the real world it is the opposite. We need to turn fiction into reality. There is a massive army of ordinary people who are silent collaborators out there.

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Thank you. Everything you say is so true. I have lost several friends since last October (or rather, they lost me), people who don't want to look too closely at the facts and don't want to upset their "liberal" Jewish friends, and so don't speak out, or continue to say things like "we have to see both sides". Maybe I'm a coward or incompetent as an activist, but I just can't be around them any more.

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