Thank you. It was brilliant. The people here are really good. Believing the propaganda is one thing, but what I don’t get is why those ‘friends of Israel’ are so zealot. I can understand some Zionist Jews who believe that without Israel they’ll be heading to the next holocaust, but these people are not even Jews, and I doubt any of them have ever visited Israel or Palestine… Seriously bizarre…
I would like to suggest that the "Friends of Israel" are motivated by a deeply held racism rather like that famously expressed by Winston Churchill. It's a product of our colonial past. They are basically white supremacists and ready to cheer on the eradication of brown people. They are in the same camp as Tommy Robinson and his fascist gang who are also Zionists.
Yes, I believe you are right. On occasions when I confronted people with this they admitted they supported colonialism, and said that they did not see anything wrong with it. It’s all good when you are a member of the colonising power. I wonder how they would feel if anyone did this to them. But, of course, they are incapable of ‘reversing roles’ (empathy). If they could, they would not support colonialism in the first place. Absence of empathy is a prerequisite for being a racist/supremacist/colonialist or any kind of apologist for indefensible actions.
Thanks for putting this up Avigail and to everyone who turned up to show their solidarity with Palestinians and Lebanese victims of outrageous Israeli violence. Never were politicians more divorced from the people they are supposed to serve. Connivers with, and enablers of Genocide. A curse on them all 👍💚🇵🇸
Well done! Such a shame the media will refuse to report on all our many statements, because it contradicts the lies politicians want to propagate. I read part of your other blog post at our weekly vigil in Dumfries yesterday, a lot of people appreciated your words. :-)
Thank you so much Karl. I am so pleased. The mainstream media separate us from one another. Sharing news and information with others as villages always did, is the right way to go. It is in itself resistance. Thank you so much for taking my words to Dumfries!!
Thank you, Avigail. I am so glad there was a good turnout for justice today. I agree it is hard to understand why anyone is still supporting Israel. I think the answer, for some large percentage of Zionists, is in Christian Zionism, which has a Messianic belief, and insists on the return of the Jews to the Holy Land in order to bring on the Armageddon. Now, why anyone would believe that, is unfathomable to me, other than, as with all religious beliefs, that the mind plays tricks on us, and indoctrination is one of the most powerful of all the tricks, because at its most effective, it leads to that psychological holy land called "hubris."
Thanks for this Avigail. And great to see the banner made from scrubs - a collaborative project between Tactics for Togetherness and Aberdeen Healthcare Workers for Peace - made it to Inverness. Solidarity from Aberdeenshire ❤️🕊️
🙏🏼👍 My pleasure. It deserves to be flagged to recognise the people who created it and for the general public to know that others are doing so much behind the scenes.
Beautiful solidarity in the Highlands
Yes it is! Thank you.
Sounds like an excellent march, Avigail.
I know why some people support Israel. They're believing the propaganda.
Thank you. It was brilliant. The people here are really good. Believing the propaganda is one thing, but what I don’t get is why those ‘friends of Israel’ are so zealot. I can understand some Zionist Jews who believe that without Israel they’ll be heading to the next holocaust, but these people are not even Jews, and I doubt any of them have ever visited Israel or Palestine… Seriously bizarre…
I would like to suggest that the "Friends of Israel" are motivated by a deeply held racism rather like that famously expressed by Winston Churchill. It's a product of our colonial past. They are basically white supremacists and ready to cheer on the eradication of brown people. They are in the same camp as Tommy Robinson and his fascist gang who are also Zionists.
Yes, I believe you are right. On occasions when I confronted people with this they admitted they supported colonialism, and said that they did not see anything wrong with it. It’s all good when you are a member of the colonising power. I wonder how they would feel if anyone did this to them. But, of course, they are incapable of ‘reversing roles’ (empathy). If they could, they would not support colonialism in the first place. Absence of empathy is a prerequisite for being a racist/supremacist/colonialist or any kind of apologist for indefensible actions.
They are also quite ready to believe all the very worst lies about the colonised population (beheaded babies, mass rapes etc).
I don't understand it either. If they were picky about their news sources, they wouldn't believe this stuff.
That, or they're being paid.
Quite likely.
Thanks for putting this up Avigail and to everyone who turned up to show their solidarity with Palestinians and Lebanese victims of outrageous Israeli violence. Never were politicians more divorced from the people they are supposed to serve. Connivers with, and enablers of Genocide. A curse on them all 👍💚🇵🇸
Very cool!
Well done! Such a shame the media will refuse to report on all our many statements, because it contradicts the lies politicians want to propagate. I read part of your other blog post at our weekly vigil in Dumfries yesterday, a lot of people appreciated your words. :-)
Thank you so much Karl. I am so pleased. The mainstream media separate us from one another. Sharing news and information with others as villages always did, is the right way to go. It is in itself resistance. Thank you so much for taking my words to Dumfries!!
Thank you, Avigail. I am so glad there was a good turnout for justice today. I agree it is hard to understand why anyone is still supporting Israel. I think the answer, for some large percentage of Zionists, is in Christian Zionism, which has a Messianic belief, and insists on the return of the Jews to the Holy Land in order to bring on the Armageddon. Now, why anyone would believe that, is unfathomable to me, other than, as with all religious beliefs, that the mind plays tricks on us, and indoctrination is one of the most powerful of all the tricks, because at its most effective, it leads to that psychological holy land called "hubris."
Beautiful people at the top of the world #freepalestine
You are a human inspiration,
Thanks for this Avigail. And great to see the banner made from scrubs - a collaborative project between Tactics for Togetherness and Aberdeen Healthcare Workers for Peace - made it to Inverness. Solidarity from Aberdeenshire ❤️🕊️
Is it the green banner on the right hand side photo of the march sitting on the bridge??
Yes, with the Not A Target motif in the middle ❤️
Thanks so much for updating the photo description Avigail. I've sent your article on to the TfT folk in Aberdeen ❤️🕊
🙏🏼👍 My pleasure. It deserves to be flagged to recognise the people who created it and for the general public to know that others are doing so much behind the scenes.
So good to hear, and so good to be in your company!!
For some strange reason Substack is blocking me from liking your comment!
I liked it for the both of us!