Avigail skewers the awful ambitions of the criminal scum who call themselves Israelis by laying out in black and white the legal description of genocide. I have long since decided that the only way to help Palestine and its people survive is to crush the Israeli economy and the economies of those states knowingly turning a blind eye to their crimes. This will be easier said than done but continuing the absurd search for a two-state solution is unacceptable. Boycott everything coming out of that vile place and all companies and financial institutions investing into it. Boycott now.
Arnon Sofer, the Nazi master mind behind walling-off of Gaza Camp, said that it must be done so people inside Gaza Camp get angry, want to resist and create 'clashes', so Israel can perfectly justify killing them every day, all day. He said - "they will become even bigger animals, so we will have to kill, kill and kill, all day, every day".
Precisely how the October 7 uprising was provoked, after Gaza has tried all other means: negotiations, peace talks, ceasefire agreements, non-violent demonstrations. Zionists finally provoked an armed rebellion and deliberately put Israeli Jews in civilian clothes in the way of the rebels, so as many as possible can get harmed and it is possible to invent the "Hamas atrocities" fakes.
Walling off is being done not only to exterminate people easily, but also to create a pretext for exterminating them as "terrorists".
On the other hand, isolating Jews from non-Jews has always been the main rabbinical idea, to prevent assimilation and reinforce Gentile antisemitism and Jewish supremacism/antigentilism at the same time. Isolated, segregated Jews can be brainwashed much easier than the integrated ones. That is why they wanted to create The Jewish State, to forever separate Jews from Gentiles and brainwash them into being killing machines, duping them into "existential threat" myth.
Separate and kill - separate and drive to desperation - separate and brainwash into hate - this is Zionist tactic #1.
Yes, another genocidal idiot, and what you say is right. I wrote an article once about the Gaza concentration camp, where I made a parallel between Gaza and the Warsaw ghetto (https://avigail.substack.com/p/re-publishing-the-gaza-ghetto-in). In both cases the intent, apart from getting the population in a convenient position for the perpetrator to exterminate them, is also to dehumanise them and make them look bad so no one feels sorry for them. Just remember Lena, that Israeli/Zionist version of Jewishness and Judaism is their own. This interview (part 2) with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro on TRT World is worth your while. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7UtkPDM3F0
We were just talking about it this morning over coffee, that Israel has to be as isolated as North Korea. I do feel sorry for the North Koreans. In their case, I am not sure how much the people are actually colluding willingly. It is a police state after all. Israel is still a democracy at least for its Jewish population and there the majority of the population is 100% behind settler-colonialism and genocide, although as you can imagine they don’t call it that. They call what they are doing self-defence, and portray the Palestinians, including tiny children, as 'evil antisemites' who are trying to annihilate them. They are psychological unhinged. I know that well because one, I was part of them, and two everyone I used to know and all my family are there. Of course, none of them have anything to do with me, but that’s OK because they are all collaborators and I want nothing to do with them.
Since at least 1972 or so I have opposed Israel because of its colonialism. I didn't always realize the indoctrination of Zionism, but the two together have created a genocide that keeps getting bigger. I have been accused of being an antisemite and of being simple minded. Lately I have been accused of "loving Hamas". Whenever anyone opposes what any of those in power, lately what the US Empire supports and promotes, there are attempts to make us seem non-comprehending of the "realities" of the world.
Nothing that comes out of the mouths of people who support settler-colonialism and genocide has any value.
Standing up for people who are subjected to human rights abuses, discrimination, and genocide does not need defending. Those who do not stand up for victims and who choose to support perpetrators instead, have a lot of explaining to do. They are the ones who need to justify their position.
As I keep telling people, ignore what perpetrators and their supporters and apologists say. Always remain focused on the crime being committed! You are on the right side of history, Susan, and you are in good company. I am honoured to know you, even if it is just through this platform. Thank goodness for people like you! 🙏
the thing is that the people who told me to "go back to grade one" didn't think they were supporting colonialism. They thought they were supporting the right of Jews to escape discrimination. They didn't think about the Palestinians. Just like those who came to America didn't think about the people they were invading. They just thought about their "right" and/or "need" for more space. The people critiquing me also did not have a clue that they were being manipulated by people who wanted Jews out of Europe so that some non Jews who were real anti semites, would not have to deal with that issue.
OK, so here is the problem. ‘Not thinking’ about the native Americans or the Palestinians suggests the absence of empathy. You cannot teach empathy. It is a brain function. Those who lack it actually have something wrong with them if their empathy does not kick in whenever anyone is harmed. Selective empathy is not real empathy. I prefer to keep people who are devoid of empathy out of my personal universe. They are dangerous. If the circumstances align the right way, these are the people who dob their friends or neighbours to the secret police, or who end up working as guards in concentration camps or something equivalent. The ‘nice’ people around us whose empathy is reserved only for the members of their own tribe or those the mainstream approves of are even more dangerous than the psychopaths. If you have a moment, read my article: https://avigail.substack.com/p/our-problem-is-not-the-psychopaths
I think that people who don't see colonialism don't necessarily lack empathy. They buy what they have been told about how the Europeans came here and "saved the savages" and that the "savages" were cruel and murderous. They have not looked into the issue. If they come to understand the horrible things that have happened to North American Indigenous people because of being colonized by white Europeans and they still support colonialism, then I agree that they have something wrong with them. It is even worse when one considers that if the colonizers of America had valued what the indigenous people had to teach them, we might not be in a climate crisis right now. I think there are many similarities in the colonization of Israel. Jews and Arabs used to lived side by side in Palestine quite comfortably according to Avi Schlaim, an Arab jew who grew up in Iraq.
Avigail, I doubt that you have been to North Korea. Western people talk crap about North Korea because they are brainwashed into hating it, for made-up myths about it. I know exactly how this is being done. I saw it being done to my country and Stalin. Please do not equal evil ideology of supremacism with the ideology of people's equality and brotherhood.
I know, and suspect this. That’s why I say that North Korean society is under a totalitarian regime and hardly has a choice, whereas Israeli Jews do. Please let me know if my comment is not clear enough.
Thanks but I have always insisted that I am not the victim in this story. It is a price I am happy to pay to live well with my own conscience and be on the right side of history. At the end of the day each one of us has to look at ourselves in the mirror and be OK with what we see looking back at us.
Thank you. I am relieved that I have been able to do this. I find it difficult to imagine giving in to fear and tribalism, continuing to support the unsupportable or keeping quiet about it. I wouldn’t want to be that kind of person.
I consider everything I read on Wikipedia to be suspect. Some articles seem to be impartial and as accurate as possible, and some seem to be from perspectives I share, but I’ve been seeing a disturbing number recently that involve Israel in some way that are shockingly and openly biased for a site that pretends impartiality. Flat out hasbara. Wikipedia needs to get called out.
I agree, which is why I take even the information on that page where I got the table from with a pinch of salt. Wikipedia entires can be written by anyone. Wikipedia just provides the platform, so there is a great deal of bias on it depending on who is writing the entires. An example of wikipedia problem in a different field is a clear bias towards materialist science. There is nothing stopping anyone from correcting entries that they think are wrong. Wikipedia is like any information service in humanity, which should be used with a critical mind and not as some bible. You are absolutely right to keep a sceptical mind when you read things on Wikipedia.
Combatants for Peace is an Israeli organization made up of former soldiers and fighters, both Israelis and Palestinians who have turned their life efforts towards peace. They can use your help. https://cfpeace.org In the USA, you can support through the American Friends of Combatants for Peace at https://www.afcfp.org
Time to make the Holy Land holy again. The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to make his stand in Gaza, or Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. If Gaza is no longer an option, thanks to the total blockade by Israel. He could even go to the West Bank, Beirut, or even Teheran.
May it be his road to Damascus moment, and say, “Not in our name, not on our watch.”
Prior to physical removal of humans (of the 'wrong' nationality) from Palestine there was a genocide of another kind. Most famously it was openly declared by Golda Meir (and other Zionist leaders) who said there is no such thing as Palestinians (they were referred to as Arab nomads). Her motivation there was to create a sharp disconnect between the indigenous people to the land and to deny their collective existence as a functioning local society paving the way to further actions of physical removal of the "nomads"... This act alone (verbal) - decades ago - by Zionists was in fact genocidal as it was there to prevent Palestinians from even being acknowledged as a national unit, it was the assassination of the Palestinians, as a group, before dealing with them as individuals... This statement by Golda Meir was therefore not some semantics 'blunder' but the very early signs of genocidal intent which was always backed by similarly harsh and humiliating day-to-day treatment as a matter of perpetual routine.
Moreover, it is very hard indeed to imagine (well it is actually impossible to imagine) that these continuous policies somehow "escaped" the awareness of Britain and the U.S. all those years... The conclusion that UK, US & Europe's full participation in all this is therefore unavoidable. All those “peace talks”, I’m afraid, was just playing for time, manipulation the public and making money from the ancillary businesses of oppression and military industries - feeding on a never ending “conflict”.
So, it is up to observers (past, present and future) to try and unravel the web of interests to ascertain the genocide dynamics: how much of it was really “ideological” in nature and how much of it was resting on a purely cynical, long-term, genocidal business for profit?
Being such a long-term project (that may involve not only Palestinians but other neighbours) I have my own personal suspicion on this which fall on the latter - that is not to say that the two factors are mutually exclusive. It is also well known that there were some Zionists who took part in dispossession of Palestinians and later wrote explicitly that this 'enthusiasm' from Zionism has condemned future generations to complete misery, including of their own children and grandchildren, and you could definitely hear a sense of deep concern and even, possibly, regret on what they have done, but we all know the project always kept on going. All those "regrets" - usually of elder members of the Zionist leadership - were quietly buried and the focus shifted towards fighting "terrorism"... This is why I began at some point pondering about why the hell this entire business still continues... seemingly without the ability to halt the madness and tackle it from the root cause.
Please do not patronise me. Wherever you are from and whatever your belief system, if you still refuse to see what Israel is and what it does then you are nothing but a collaborator with a crime against humanity. People like you allow their fear of antisemitism and blind loyalty to Israel to override any human empathy they might have. I am from Israel and I suspect I know it better than you. I am also fluent in Hebrew. Israel itself, internally, admits to what it is doing. Its soldiers and officers are whistleblowing in their own media right now. Get a grip or get the hell off my page. Do not mistake me for a push over because I am a woman and a psychotherapist.
(Here is something for you to read published from within Israel itself, if you have any courage at all:
It is rich pointing to my aggression and unpleasantness when you support the murder and torture of millions of people. I have no ‘people’. My people are humanity. There are humans who desire to live with others and cooperate for everyone’s benefit. And there are people with a primitive, tribal psychology like yours, who think their tribe has more right to exist than anyone else. Your kind of thinking and the destructive and genocidal action it leads to is unsupportable, and are a danger to us all. I have no intention of being pleasant towards murderers and abusers who also portray themselves as victims. As I said before, get a grip, find your humanity, or get the hell off my page, especially if you are some Israeli troll sitting in one of those rooms full of computers, being paid to troll anyone who is not fond of Israel. I think/hope you will regret your choices when you are on your death bed. I know I won’t and nothing you or anyone else says can ever change it.
Avigail skewers the awful ambitions of the criminal scum who call themselves Israelis by laying out in black and white the legal description of genocide. I have long since decided that the only way to help Palestine and its people survive is to crush the Israeli economy and the economies of those states knowingly turning a blind eye to their crimes. This will be easier said than done but continuing the absurd search for a two-state solution is unacceptable. Boycott everything coming out of that vile place and all companies and financial institutions investing into it. Boycott now.
Well said, Brendan. Thank you!!
Arnon Sofer, the Nazi master mind behind walling-off of Gaza Camp, said that it must be done so people inside Gaza Camp get angry, want to resist and create 'clashes', so Israel can perfectly justify killing them every day, all day. He said - "they will become even bigger animals, so we will have to kill, kill and kill, all day, every day".
Precisely how the October 7 uprising was provoked, after Gaza has tried all other means: negotiations, peace talks, ceasefire agreements, non-violent demonstrations. Zionists finally provoked an armed rebellion and deliberately put Israeli Jews in civilian clothes in the way of the rebels, so as many as possible can get harmed and it is possible to invent the "Hamas atrocities" fakes.
Walling off is being done not only to exterminate people easily, but also to create a pretext for exterminating them as "terrorists".
On the other hand, isolating Jews from non-Jews has always been the main rabbinical idea, to prevent assimilation and reinforce Gentile antisemitism and Jewish supremacism/antigentilism at the same time. Isolated, segregated Jews can be brainwashed much easier than the integrated ones. That is why they wanted to create The Jewish State, to forever separate Jews from Gentiles and brainwash them into being killing machines, duping them into "existential threat" myth.
Separate and kill - separate and drive to desperation - separate and brainwash into hate - this is Zionist tactic #1.
Yes, another genocidal idiot, and what you say is right. I wrote an article once about the Gaza concentration camp, where I made a parallel between Gaza and the Warsaw ghetto (https://avigail.substack.com/p/re-publishing-the-gaza-ghetto-in). In both cases the intent, apart from getting the population in a convenient position for the perpetrator to exterminate them, is also to dehumanise them and make them look bad so no one feels sorry for them. Just remember Lena, that Israeli/Zionist version of Jewishness and Judaism is their own. This interview (part 2) with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro on TRT World is worth your while. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7UtkPDM3F0
Israhells population is the most brainwashed in the world, far more than north korea. And north korea is literally isolated
We were just talking about it this morning over coffee, that Israel has to be as isolated as North Korea. I do feel sorry for the North Koreans. In their case, I am not sure how much the people are actually colluding willingly. It is a police state after all. Israel is still a democracy at least for its Jewish population and there the majority of the population is 100% behind settler-colonialism and genocide, although as you can imagine they don’t call it that. They call what they are doing self-defence, and portray the Palestinians, including tiny children, as 'evil antisemites' who are trying to annihilate them. They are psychological unhinged. I know that well because one, I was part of them, and two everyone I used to know and all my family are there. Of course, none of them have anything to do with me, but that’s OK because they are all collaborators and I want nothing to do with them.
Since at least 1972 or so I have opposed Israel because of its colonialism. I didn't always realize the indoctrination of Zionism, but the two together have created a genocide that keeps getting bigger. I have been accused of being an antisemite and of being simple minded. Lately I have been accused of "loving Hamas". Whenever anyone opposes what any of those in power, lately what the US Empire supports and promotes, there are attempts to make us seem non-comprehending of the "realities" of the world.
Nothing that comes out of the mouths of people who support settler-colonialism and genocide has any value.
Standing up for people who are subjected to human rights abuses, discrimination, and genocide does not need defending. Those who do not stand up for victims and who choose to support perpetrators instead, have a lot of explaining to do. They are the ones who need to justify their position.
As I keep telling people, ignore what perpetrators and their supporters and apologists say. Always remain focused on the crime being committed! You are on the right side of history, Susan, and you are in good company. I am honoured to know you, even if it is just through this platform. Thank goodness for people like you! 🙏
the thing is that the people who told me to "go back to grade one" didn't think they were supporting colonialism. They thought they were supporting the right of Jews to escape discrimination. They didn't think about the Palestinians. Just like those who came to America didn't think about the people they were invading. They just thought about their "right" and/or "need" for more space. The people critiquing me also did not have a clue that they were being manipulated by people who wanted Jews out of Europe so that some non Jews who were real anti semites, would not have to deal with that issue.
OK, so here is the problem. ‘Not thinking’ about the native Americans or the Palestinians suggests the absence of empathy. You cannot teach empathy. It is a brain function. Those who lack it actually have something wrong with them if their empathy does not kick in whenever anyone is harmed. Selective empathy is not real empathy. I prefer to keep people who are devoid of empathy out of my personal universe. They are dangerous. If the circumstances align the right way, these are the people who dob their friends or neighbours to the secret police, or who end up working as guards in concentration camps or something equivalent. The ‘nice’ people around us whose empathy is reserved only for the members of their own tribe or those the mainstream approves of are even more dangerous than the psychopaths. If you have a moment, read my article: https://avigail.substack.com/p/our-problem-is-not-the-psychopaths
I think that people who don't see colonialism don't necessarily lack empathy. They buy what they have been told about how the Europeans came here and "saved the savages" and that the "savages" were cruel and murderous. They have not looked into the issue. If they come to understand the horrible things that have happened to North American Indigenous people because of being colonized by white Europeans and they still support colonialism, then I agree that they have something wrong with them. It is even worse when one considers that if the colonizers of America had valued what the indigenous people had to teach them, we might not be in a climate crisis right now. I think there are many similarities in the colonization of Israel. Jews and Arabs used to lived side by side in Palestine quite comfortably according to Avi Schlaim, an Arab jew who grew up in Iraq.
Avigail, I doubt that you have been to North Korea. Western people talk crap about North Korea because they are brainwashed into hating it, for made-up myths about it. I know exactly how this is being done. I saw it being done to my country and Stalin. Please do not equal evil ideology of supremacism with the ideology of people's equality and brotherhood.
I know, and suspect this. That’s why I say that North Korean society is under a totalitarian regime and hardly has a choice, whereas Israeli Jews do. Please let me know if my comment is not clear enough.
Well, this cat sympathizes with you and your troubles with family.
Thanks but I have always insisted that I am not the victim in this story. It is a price I am happy to pay to live well with my own conscience and be on the right side of history. At the end of the day each one of us has to look at ourselves in the mirror and be OK with what we see looking back at us.
Ain;'t a matter of being a victim. Just a crapotic situation. Good that you had the moral clarity to choose wisely.
Thank you. I am relieved that I have been able to do this. I find it difficult to imagine giving in to fear and tribalism, continuing to support the unsupportable or keeping quiet about it. I wouldn’t want to be that kind of person.
Have you ever been to North Korea 🇰🇵?
No, but really, this is not the topic here.
Excellent, thank you, Avigail!
I consider everything I read on Wikipedia to be suspect. Some articles seem to be impartial and as accurate as possible, and some seem to be from perspectives I share, but I’ve been seeing a disturbing number recently that involve Israel in some way that are shockingly and openly biased for a site that pretends impartiality. Flat out hasbara. Wikipedia needs to get called out.
I agree, which is why I take even the information on that page where I got the table from with a pinch of salt. Wikipedia entires can be written by anyone. Wikipedia just provides the platform, so there is a great deal of bias on it depending on who is writing the entires. An example of wikipedia problem in a different field is a clear bias towards materialist science. There is nothing stopping anyone from correcting entries that they think are wrong. Wikipedia is like any information service in humanity, which should be used with a critical mind and not as some bible. You are absolutely right to keep a sceptical mind when you read things on Wikipedia.
Thanks for continuing to speak truth, reason, and empathy, to your readers. Best wishes for a better, more just, new year!
And the same to you Joy. Thank you for reading my essays and commenting and for your presence in the world.
Combatants for Peace is an Israeli organization made up of former soldiers and fighters, both Israelis and Palestinians who have turned their life efforts towards peace. They can use your help. https://cfpeace.org In the USA, you can support through the American Friends of Combatants for Peace at https://www.afcfp.org
The Hind Rajab Foundation has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.
They can use our help. Please read the article and join me in making a contribution. https://buy.stripe.com/cN228hbY5g7jaM84gg
Time to make the Holy Land holy again. The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to make his stand in Gaza, or Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. If Gaza is no longer an option, thanks to the total blockade by Israel. He could even go to the West Bank, Beirut, or even Teheran.
May it be his road to Damascus moment, and say, “Not in our name, not on our watch.”
Please sign the petition and share widely.
Prior to physical removal of humans (of the 'wrong' nationality) from Palestine there was a genocide of another kind. Most famously it was openly declared by Golda Meir (and other Zionist leaders) who said there is no such thing as Palestinians (they were referred to as Arab nomads). Her motivation there was to create a sharp disconnect between the indigenous people to the land and to deny their collective existence as a functioning local society paving the way to further actions of physical removal of the "nomads"... This act alone (verbal) - decades ago - by Zionists was in fact genocidal as it was there to prevent Palestinians from even being acknowledged as a national unit, it was the assassination of the Palestinians, as a group, before dealing with them as individuals... This statement by Golda Meir was therefore not some semantics 'blunder' but the very early signs of genocidal intent which was always backed by similarly harsh and humiliating day-to-day treatment as a matter of perpetual routine.
Moreover, it is very hard indeed to imagine (well it is actually impossible to imagine) that these continuous policies somehow "escaped" the awareness of Britain and the U.S. all those years... The conclusion that UK, US & Europe's full participation in all this is therefore unavoidable. All those “peace talks”, I’m afraid, was just playing for time, manipulation the public and making money from the ancillary businesses of oppression and military industries - feeding on a never ending “conflict”.
So, it is up to observers (past, present and future) to try and unravel the web of interests to ascertain the genocide dynamics: how much of it was really “ideological” in nature and how much of it was resting on a purely cynical, long-term, genocidal business for profit?
Being such a long-term project (that may involve not only Palestinians but other neighbours) I have my own personal suspicion on this which fall on the latter - that is not to say that the two factors are mutually exclusive. It is also well known that there were some Zionists who took part in dispossession of Palestinians and later wrote explicitly that this 'enthusiasm' from Zionism has condemned future generations to complete misery, including of their own children and grandchildren, and you could definitely hear a sense of deep concern and even, possibly, regret on what they have done, but we all know the project always kept on going. All those "regrets" - usually of elder members of the Zionist leadership - were quietly buried and the focus shifted towards fighting "terrorism"... This is why I began at some point pondering about why the hell this entire business still continues... seemingly without the ability to halt the madness and tackle it from the root cause.
So well written and devastating in its accuracy and sharp observation. Thank you. Please consider turning this comment into an article.
You know, you don’t have to do this to yourself. You can just unsubscribe…
I am not subscribed…
Please do not patronise me. Wherever you are from and whatever your belief system, if you still refuse to see what Israel is and what it does then you are nothing but a collaborator with a crime against humanity. People like you allow their fear of antisemitism and blind loyalty to Israel to override any human empathy they might have. I am from Israel and I suspect I know it better than you. I am also fluent in Hebrew. Israel itself, internally, admits to what it is doing. Its soldiers and officers are whistleblowing in their own media right now. Get a grip or get the hell off my page. Do not mistake me for a push over because I am a woman and a psychotherapist.
(Here is something for you to read published from within Israel itself, if you have any courage at all:
It is rich pointing to my aggression and unpleasantness when you support the murder and torture of millions of people. I have no ‘people’. My people are humanity. There are humans who desire to live with others and cooperate for everyone’s benefit. And there are people with a primitive, tribal psychology like yours, who think their tribe has more right to exist than anyone else. Your kind of thinking and the destructive and genocidal action it leads to is unsupportable, and are a danger to us all. I have no intention of being pleasant towards murderers and abusers who also portray themselves as victims. As I said before, get a grip, find your humanity, or get the hell off my page, especially if you are some Israeli troll sitting in one of those rooms full of computers, being paid to troll anyone who is not fond of Israel. I think/hope you will regret your choices when you are on your death bed. I know I won’t and nothing you or anyone else says can ever change it.