Oct 9, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

An excellent perspective on the true nature of settler colonialism and why there will never be peace in the Middle East until there is justice and equality for all. Well said Avigail 👍💚

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Thank you Brendan, and also for your great help editing this piece. 👍💚

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel


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I am heartbroken now. I was apoplectic yesterday.

What I've seen, heard and read in the past 2 days is beyond the pale.

My initial horrified reaction: This is barbaric.

I once tried to discuss some of the facts which you've touched upon here with my Jewish American ex-husband. He became so powerfully enraged that he lost control and came after me physically.

After locking myself in the bedroom, I packed my bags and eventually ventured out to the kitchen where he was sitting in a chair, bare chested, massaging the upper right portion of it.(Experiencing shame and remorse? Who knows. We have not spoken since.)

Some people, when core beliefs are severely shaken, lose their faculties and feign cardiac arrest...

True story.


It took many years of study and research for this non-Jewish, non-Arab woman to begin to comprehend the levels, and the generational tragedy and travesties of justice which have culminated into the events of October 7th.

Hamas demonstrated. In cold-blooded words and deeds. Some of which were captured on video and deliberately broadcast for all the world to witness, and to pass judgement upon.

I very much admire your courage in writing the truth of the matter, quickly and surgically.

You are a mensch.

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Thank you so much my dear friend for taking the time to read my essays and to comment. Thank you also for working to find out the truth for yourself, and I am so sorry to hear about your appalling experience with your ex. What a horrible thing to go through. Regardless of his particular mental health issues, it is not unusual for Zionists to respond aggressively, even violently to anyone questioning the standard narrative. I have had my share of death threats and endless hate mail in my time. I have learned that my role is not to fight evil, but to support good. I also feel it is my duty to share what I think, and speak out when appropriate. It is the least I can do as someone who used to collude with the Israeli state.

I am heartbroken as you are. It is all painful beyond belief. I have always known things would come to some kind of a crescendo, and I had no intention of waiting in Israel until that happens. I am glad that I left and that I can make myself useful. If I had stayed in Israel, I wouldn’t have had a chance to recover from my trauma and my life would have been wasted. Israel wastes people and resources. Trauma does that to people. Thank you so much once again unapologetic. Warm wishes, Avigail

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What a generous and kind reply Avigail.

I'm a survivor.

"I also feel it is my duty to share what I think, and speak out when appropriate."

I too have written those words, many times over the years. Especially during the past 3.5 years.

I feel it is my moral, civic, and familial duty to speak. Chips fall where they may. (And fallen they have.)

I initially "broke the silence" within my family, way back when.


Thanks again for writing this piece. I hope it gains legs because you are a bright light. 💖

Shine on.

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Ditto Canadian sister. X

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SO articulate-thanks Avigail for your brave outspoken self!

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

There is a missing "to" in the penultimate paragraph:

I am heartbroken for all the victims of Jewish Israeli settler-colonialism on both sides. I am heartbroken for the children, who from this day on will be forced live with trauma.

Obviously "...forced to live with trauma."

I'll delete this comment after you've seen it.

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Thanks so much Adam. Fixed it. You don’t need to delete the comment… A.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

Oh wow Avigail! What a powerful article. Have you submitted it to Mondoweiss? Please do so. It really deserves to be read widely.

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I sent it to Phil last night. He liked it and said he would send it to Mondo’s editors. He is now semi retired, so not as in charge as he used to be. I don’t know if they’ll want it, but we’ll see. Thank you so much for the feedback Adam.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

If not maybe Jewish Voice for Labour or The Electronic Intifada? It is such a wonderful article and deserves to be widely read.

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Jan 19Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

Thanks for your real and passionate insights. “Laying down the Sword: Why We Can’t Ignore the Bible's Violent Verses” by Phillip Jenkins is remarkable scholarship and gives hope the Muslims, Christian’s and Jews can live in peace together. It deals with this issue in the 3 monotheistic religions. I wish the world could see the issues as your analogy of a home invasion. Too many media outlets in my country are deliberately leading people away from the real issues. we will all suffer the results.

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Thank you Peter!

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I saw an outstanding documentary some years ago (it was award wining), where some younger Israeli people met with older Palestinians and visited the homes that the young Israelis now lived in. The older people could talk about the renovations/changes and I seem to remember, even take the young people to the rooms children were born in. The young Israeli response had great effect on me, but I’ve never been able to find it again.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

quote: Israël a toujours été cinglant à l'égard des victimes de l'holocauste, les accusant de "se rendre comme des moutons à l'abattoir".

Hey! Nobody knows about that

This is nuts, we non-jewish don't know about this; we don't dare to use the word "jew" in conversations, this is taboo

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Author

I know. That’s why I write. Thanks for the French comment. My French is rusty but I can read that you translated what I wrote in the article… Always welcome opportunities to practice. Our focus needs to be on the crime not the identities of the perpetrator or the victim. Fear of offending Jews is paralysing and keeps people silent. That is how victims are thrown under the bus, and it isn’t just in the P-I domain. We need to talk about settler colonialism, not about Jews or even Palestinians… 🙏

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

I am sorry, I really thought you were a French writer. It comes from a french translation of your article.

I take this opportunity to thank you for your article, and wish you strength and courage.

I believe that there was an opportunity, waiting for everybody, since ten years or so, in the form of just an article telling the people "look what's happening there is not good at all"; years after years, only news getting worse and worse. The same voice trying to get attention. Today it kind of reached the epilogue, and the opportunity for the people is still around, but I wish to tell the people "hurry up", the train of love/truth is still around but it will leave soon.

Some ten years already I noticed the wrongdoings... Years by year, only worse... gosh! When there will be no more Palestinians and people will realize they have been lied to it will be kind of too late for them... And us, we will be in the train of love.

I believe people tended to see the articles going like "3 yo palestinian girl shot by a sniper" as not-that-relevant when it was. This is due to the fact that such things pop up every day in the news, in various countries, but it seems that Palestine's situation has some feature that really makes it plain injust, whatever it is that makes it so; hence the voice trying to tell a message... "Pause for a moment, something is wrong there..."... Some voice trying to just be heard...

The "voice" kind of represents some "train" waiting... I came upon many articles until somebody had to pinpoint that what was happening there was really imbalanced. Until then I did not care. Gosh this is hard. So, after ten years of conscious knowing, I see things differently, that voice makes so much sense, and, well, today's events are just, in a sense, a positive epilogue for me.

One just had to care for the Palestinians, let's say, starting ten or even five years ago... Just reading one or two news articles would have done the trick...

I believe that, one of those days, palestinians will see wings spontaneously growing onto their backs, so much they had to endure wrongdoings (for those who still exist, gosh if there still are some), some kind of spontaneous superhero powers... Gosh this is all well sad... What a waste... Thanks for your support

Bah, regarding the colonialism and settler things... Netanyahou himself boasted about the "israelian technique", aka "we just rampage a little bit, then retreat, so as not to appear too much..."... Lol what do you want to do with such thing... The guy is already publicly fully acknowledging he's a bastard... Lol will he sell us the rope we should hang him with or what? This is psychopathology, well, he'll sink by himself anyway, just a matter of time...

Only problem then seems to be the muslim community, leveraged against her own interests... Some said that overall some wanted to get rid of the musleems, and what is happening could be some kind of stuff inside the stuff meaning to erase the musleems. If you think about it, so many musleems that, well, if you wanted to get people kill each others at a big scale, you would just pick up the biggest amount, so bingo the musleems. They would probably create two sides, on one side the white catholics, like myself, the jews, and the other side the musleems. Just need one or two terrorist attacks and bingo, all goes to pot. Leveraging the anger of people who have been lied to. This is what I am busy with in my mind, somehow, because it has the potential to turn everything upside down quickly, but I hope this won't happen. I mean.. That Netanyahou, he's around doing really crap for too long now, and he keeps going on, and it has been all public, he perfectly knows he's wrong doing... So what's the goal? Any way his mind seems to have stopped on me-wants-military-features, so, well, this is how it is. lol he will soon learn from the guy who'se mind stopped at "me-wants-military-AND-good-country" ;))))

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Author

Thank you! I wish I could write that well in French… I looked it up and I can see that the article was translated into French and appears on two sites. The translators used the version that appeared in Pearls & Irritations, an Australian online magazine. They asked permission to re-publish. But I can see from the photo and the slightly changed title (plus forgetting to indicate that the comment at the end is actually a footnote) that the French translations were not made from my original Substack article but from that version.

Thank you for sharing all your thoughts and your belief about, and personal experience of the impact that an article can have. As a useless keyboard activist it makes me feel that maybe writing does have some value.

Israel is determined to empty Gaza, then the Occupied West Bank and then it will come for the Palestinian citizens of Israel. It is planning to strip them off their citizenship to make them stateless like the refugees in Gaza and Lebanon. This is why Netanyahu pushed for his judicial reform. There will be no Israeli courts or Parliament to stop him. Israel will not accept any compromises or cease fire. It does not want Gaza to get aid. It wants the Palestinians to die. Israelis have re-elected Netanyahu despite his criminal convictions for fraud, because he is perceived in Israel as the only one who has what it takes to finish the ‘Palestinian problem’ once and for all. Everyone in the region knows this. The US, Europe and the UK are still pretending they do not know what is going on. I believe that they have written off the Palestinian people. They have no need for them. The US needs Israel as a strategic stronghold in the ME and it does not care about anyone else.

But I suspect Israel’s final push to get rid of the Palestinians will not go down well with the rest of the world. The sacrifice of the Palestinian people will cause the festering resentment against US imperialism to erupt, and this could be the trigger potentially for a third World War, if no one does anything to stop it.

You are right about Netanyahu. He probably has narcissistic personality disorder, which means that he is unable to experience empathy and is capable of doing terrible things. He is not the first leader to do this in Israel but none of the previous ones could ‘finished the job’ because they worried about Israel’s image in the world and international public opinion. Netanyahu couldn’t care less about any of it, which is partly what makes him so dangerous. But he is there for a reason and not by accident. Now is the biggest danger the Palestinians have faced since 1948. It is frightening and I would like to be right there with them and save and protect every child and every person. Instead, I write articles…

Thank you again for taking the time to write a comment and I can see you subscribed as well. I appreciate that. Merci beaucoup!

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And here is a great article which always give me super great energy:


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Aha je vous en prie :)) Thanks for your extensive reply; I am sorry that I am having difficulties in joining you, because you are very humble, and gentle, and at this time I am having some trouble being so, but nevertheless have it in my heart too. The daily fight is exhausting so I tend to keep on-guard, and this state of mind may appear in my writing. But, again, thank you for your kind tone; I can only salute your perspicacity, your discernment and your ability to chain your sentences in very logical and gentle ways. This is very appreciable.

Here are 89 pages of comments full of humanity, about what is happening; I am linking it to you in the hope it may provide you with the feeling that you are right. Seeing others expressing the same things is comforting and helps. We are not alone, and better prepared for whatever, if the whole is aligned with truth. Here it is: cassiopaea.org/forum/threads/war-in-israel-october-2023.53838/

As well, other people there are expressing things in the same gentle and logical way as you do, so I feel you would enjoy it.

Eh.. regarding what you are saying about the goal of Net., it's pretty sad. What bothers me is that some guy decides to do such thing, as a goal: I mean the guy is really on to this kind of stuff... I mean, even if he manages to do it, after it, then... what? Hmmm the guy will probably reach the sandbox, where the other guys are, Russia, CHina, etc, but they will tell him "oh sorry pal we don't want you there". So it looks like the guy is completely focused on his stuff, is not any more aligned with nowadays requirements. I mean okay arbitrarily picking up some country and bomb it to non-existence, I mean we got it now, but, very tired, we decided to go elsewhere. Doesn't the guy know about the BRICS? I mean one of those days Neth will get too close of one of thoses and will get the slap of his life, from Brazil, China, Russia and Iran united. Not to say that it's probably too late for him to join the club, as he may probably plan. Ah... Those psychopaths... They believe they can play the "rope pulling", retreat, then come around with some dog's face, asking for a seat...

As it seems that today's requirement for being a grown-up kid - and for having a working country, ready for the future - goes by having coffee with the President of the Mozambique :), no, Mr Nethanyahou sticks on to some pathological idea of whatever USA'ish militaristic 80's template and is busy bombing another for negatives self motives. Looks like being misaligned with nowadays objective requirements (for future's survival), is not a very good strategy, and in itself this portrays that he is definitely taking his country in the wrong direction.

Hmmm not to mention that serving his pathological dreams on wounded palestinians is not very credible, I mean we cannot much grant him militaristic credibility, or whatever international recognition/respect.

The guy really looses much credibility. It's like going rob an elder lady and requesting recognition for having done the robbery of the century...

But back to the Palestinians I hope they will find a way, and believe that only external intervention will help. Hope they will get it. Anyway, well, they are all dead you know, there's not much we can do any more. Now Palestine and Gaza is ruin. You know, they already lost the most precious during all those years. They were ready, they knew it would happen. They are prepared in their mind. They don't care about that stuff of dying. But I am sensitive to what you are saying, for example when you say that they will go after the Palestinians living in Israel.

Anyway, what I could tell you as well, is you are not granted some automatic Israel's stance because you are israeli born, you have free will and if your heart guides you towards a different thinking and approach this is all that is needed for your own. You are how you are and know it, you don't need to justify yourself, convince others. People must understand by themselves as well, reach the knowledge by themselves in order to integrate things, otherwise they will not learn. Your text really touches the heart. I see how sorry you feel, kind of how sorry you feel for being affiliated to Israel (but I may express this wrongly, sorry if the case), but I would like to tell you: your heart is way enough, well don't need to go to far in our analysis of things, in the end it's just some organized psychopathology in action, so let's keep the lens of some doctor. Do you know about Lobaczewski, and his fantastic book "political ponerology"?

Thank you, I am grateful for all your answers, and wish you all the very good.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

Have you his article in Spanish ? Please send it to me to share

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I’m afraid not. Do you have someone who can translate it? Thank you!

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

There's a stream of initial thought that is allowed to find more coherence after reading your article, Avigail. Thank you for that! I already let you know I shared it with a Dutch organization founded to serve as a knowledge center for Palestine/Israel and the human rights of Palestinian people. They forwarded it to their editorial staff, so who knows it may be fruitful for their next newsletter.

I compared the most recent outburst in this ongoing Palestine/Israel struggle to an eruption of a known sleeper vulcano in standby-mode. Actions of those on the soil, whether drilling holes or digging even deeper to alter what's been in its natural place for eons, can cause disturbances and things moving under the surface, invisible to the eye. Until it erupts.

For folks like me who live in a warfree country since the end of WWII, it is impossible to imagine what it feels like to live under oppression, to not be able to travel freely, be with family elsewhere or having a gun in one's face when in line at a checkpoint. Or, to be brought up with stories that the world hates you because you're a jew. Or that it's written in a book you're entitled to a Promised Land. At the cost of those who already inhabit the land. Lia Tarachanky's documentary, On the Side of the Road is as such very insightful, painful too, when I see Amnon Noiman, Israeli veteran of the 1948 war, struggle to find words after initially refusing to partake in the interview. But he admits to chasing away and killing the original Arab inhabitants of the villages they had to 'cleanse'. So yes, Amnon Noiman lived on, but he buried his guilt and grief inside, harboring trauma. And there are so many more examples of how this violates basic human rights, or robs people from their humane side. When will it end?

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Gina, can you please do me a favour and let people know that I am back on FB? Please send me a friend request. X

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

I sent you a message there and will let others know! X

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Thank you Gina for your thoughts and insightful comments. X

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Interesting. No yelling or ad hominem attacks either... ⬇️


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I think there is a real chasm out there between our authorities and governments and the general public. There is huge grassroots support for the Palestinians and I am sure people are not happy to see the governments and authorities side with Israel. Yet another fissure between the public and its leaders.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

Hi again Avigail.

Attempting to argue, or have a debate, with any person stuck in their own mindset, "dug in" to their position so to speak, might be impossible.

(Ask me how I know... oh wait! 🤣)

Anyway, I look at everything. EVERYTHING. I listen to EVERYONE.

I then decide what is the truth, what is propaganda, what is nonsense, what are lies, what is right, what is righteous, and what is just plain wrong.

Did Hamas commit atrocities against unarmed women, children, disabled elderly, and unarmed men, and post gore filled videos of the crimes committed in cold blood, on the internet?

The truth of the matter: It's true.

The truth of the matter is: It is wrong.

(That's my opinion. Discuss amongst yourselves.)

Am listening to a very civil discussion between a Jewish Canadian (former) attorney who fled Canada for Florida shortly after the Freedom Convoy last year, and a Texas Libertarian.

Am about 30 minutes into it, and thus far: "Never the twain shall meet..." 😉

Perhaps because David (Viva Frei) is in a little over his head, and Scott Horton is not. Not sure. Will continue to listen though.

Just thought I'd pop it on here for you and your subscribers to listen to as well.


Edit: Oops. A mostly civil discussion. Scott loses his cool, shots fired.

Gotta say, am not enjoying this guy's personality too much, so far. David: remaining chill.

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Thanks again Adam. This means a lot. If Mondo don’t want to publish it then I will consider sending to EI. I think Jewish Voice for Labour are Zionist unless I am confusing them with another group. A.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

JVL are in opposition to LFI! It's the Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) that needs to be avoided!! ❤

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Author

I am confused. Can’t help but think about the Life of Brian. The People’s Front of Judea, the Judean’s People’s front. What a Headache. I have an instinctive mistrust of Jewish organisations, which is not always fair…

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

😅🤣. I get that! But in the political arena the 'Jewish Voice for Labour' are a left-wing Jewish group, often criticised in the Jewish Chronicle and now many of whom are being expelled from the Labour party for their support of Palestine! They're being labelled 'antisemitic', would you believe!? The 'Labour Friends of Israel' are no different to their (supposed) opposites; the 'Conservative Friends of Israel'! Both "Friends" groups have Mosad members. Neither group actually requires members to join the party they're associated with, and both "Friends" groups have non-Jewish membership! Both groups have the full backing of the Board of Deputies, whilst JVL does not! JVL are party members. Apparently though, any Jew who supports Palestine is a "self-hating Jew"! (Echoing Netanyahu's insult!)

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Author

Yes, I believe. In addition to death threats and hate mail I have had the A word flung at me too. They say that if you have no enemies, you must be doing something wrong… I feel sorry for them and am appalled by Labour. I am not a Labour voter (Lib. Dems for lack of other options) but felt so sorry for Jeremy Corbin! Starmer’s wife, as I understand, has family in Israel and he and his wife are typical Zionists who probably have no idea what it is that they are supporting and cheering on. So much for a human rights lawyer… I am well aware that some of these groups report directly to Israel and they directly interfere in UK politics. It is a familiar tactic from Israel in order to secure its position and ensure minimal opposition or criticism. Everyone is going to regret this soon enough as they watch millions of Palestinians being marched at gun point to Egypt and to Jordan. Thanks for your support and for reading my rants.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Avigail Abarbanel

Just an aside, but a comedian on the comedy circuit has been heavily criticised for this 'joke': "Never ask an American his income, never ask an Irishman his religion, never ask an Englisman his politics, and never ask an Israeli where his grandparents were born!"

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That’s antisemitic is it???… The mind boggles.

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